富山駅北口 まっすぐ歩いてほんの5分
ここであってるかな? あってます、だいじょうぶ ほらお店の明かりがみえました
ようこそ いるかホステルへ
山へ行きますか? 魚をたべますか? 街もけっこうたのしいです。
Walk straight from Toyama Station North Exit and arrive in a mere 5 minutes.
Located in the corner of a large building, go into the entrance for the emergency stairs.
Go up the long, long stairs (sorry!)
Is this the place? Yes, don’t worry, this is the place. Hm, it looks like some sort of store
Welcome, to Iruka Hostel!
Are you headed to the mountains? Want to eat delicious fish? The city is quite fun as well!
Of course, you can enjoy your stay without even going anywhere.
We will be waiting for you with attentive service and a mountain of books for you to read.